We exist to deliver outcomes based on ambition, effort and potential, not socio-economic background.
We seek out potential and then provide exceptional education and impactful support, to unlock high performance and long-term success.
Each part of our mission is extraordinarily hard. We will only achieve sustained success through striving for excellence in our work, going beyond others' expectations, making their day/role/decision easier and helping them to deliver excellence themselves.
Our mission and principles require difficult choices and meaningful feedback. These can be hard to give and receive so it's important we do so with respect, care and honesty recognising that each of us is a human and not a number.
By working at Sigma Labs you are choosing to be an owner (taking shared responsibility for work & outcomes; optimising for the business) and a leader (role modelling behaviours, inspiring others through action, being deliberate with days & time, not missing things, owing mistakes). These responsibilities grow with seniority.
It is imperative we understand what it is that allows us to be excellent, so that we can amplify our impact over time (both as individuals and as an organisation). This means having a hyper-focus on clear objectives, seeking feedback on our assumptions and work, and finally having the discipline, courage and determination to improve every day.
You may not agree with someone’s action or perspective, but you start from the position of assuming everyone you engage with is trying their best. We foster reciprocity and symbiotic relationships - treat people as if you’ll rely on them in 20 years from now. Treat people how you like to be treated. (This doesn’t mean a refusal to criticise or disagree).
We're always looking for world-class talent to join our growing team, especially in Sales and Data Engineering coaching.
If you feel you would thrive in a high-performance, mission-driven organisation then we'd love to hear from you! Drop us an email at david@sigmalabs.co.uk.